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About the Lands

Site Research

The first thing you gotta do when embarking on a new project is delve into the site. You've got to pay it a visit, look into the existing structures around, figure out the zoning or urban development regulations in play, and dig into the available services like water and electricity. All that falls into the somewhat dull category.

Preliminary Design

Now, the fun part is identifying the unique features of the land. Check out its orientation, find the best views, study the topography, figure out the optimal entry point, and determine the ideal layout for the structure.

See, I've described a bunch of things, and we haven't even established whether the project is residential, commercial, or a mix because I'm painting a picture of an imaginary project.

Hold up, What Kind of Project Are We Talking About?


The first thing that probably pops into our minds is a residential project. It's what we all dream of – a house on a fantastic piece of land. What makes a piece of land fantastic, in my opinion, are the views and the potential for designing various activities within the space, creating an interaction with the surroundings and the environment – sun, wind, rain, vegetation. But hey, you might be thinking of a different kind of project.

Well, I'll wrap it up here and open the floor for comments. Let me know if you want me to keep talking about this project or switch gears to another type.

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